St. Matthew’s believes in the power and importance of Christian community. Jesus says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20, NIV)

We gather for worship, prayer, Bible study, learning, fellowship, and service. A variety of groups, teams, and ministries help us to grow in and through our connection with God and one another.

For the most up-to-date information, visit our Calendar.


  • Weekly Adult Education Classes
    Sundays from 9:45-10:45am

    God wants to know us and we want to know him. We do this by studying his Word in the Bible and other resources for learning about our faith. The Adult Education Team works to increase Biblical literacy, enlighten on religious matters, provide practical advice for Christian living and educate on social justice. We offer adult classes every Sunday morning from 9:45-10:45am during the school year. All are welcome and no advance preparation is required. Guest speakers are frequently featured. Watch videos from previous classes.

    First Friday Book Discussion Group
    The First Friday Book Discussion Group meets on the 1st Friday of each month, October – June, at 7pm at St. Matthew’s. All are welcome, even if only for the books you care to read.

    Here’s the new Reading List: First Fridays Book Group Book List for 2024-2025

    Small Groups
    Get to know other members at St. Matthew’s by participating in a Small Group. There are many Small Groups already established (meeting dates and times vary), but we also encourage the creation of new Small Group opportunities – share your ideas with us! Please contact Sue Swing for more information: (414) 774-0441.

  • Women’s Wellness Day
    In winter, we present a Women’s Wellness Day to promote healthy bodies, minds, and spirits. General themes have included stress management, breast cancer awareness, healthy cooking, heart health, and resilience (focusing on mental health).

    Women’s Retreat
    Our Women’s Retreat occurs annually, usually early in the year.

  • The Men’s Ministry Committee of St. Matthew’s plans events and studies all year long to give men an opportunity to gather, socialize and grow in faith. For events, visit St. Matthew’s online calendar or contact the church office. Activities include Men’s Breakfast, softball team, and more!

  • The SAINTS (Seniors Active in New Testament Service) is a ministry of connection for active older adults, coordinated by Julia Murphy.

    Monthly Gatherings
    Monthly gatherings, usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month, begin at 11:30am with announcements, devotion, and a presentation. The presentations are selected by the SAINTS Steering Committee to appeal to wide variety of interests. There is something for everyone! Following the presentation, we enjoy lunch and opportunities for conversation and fellowship.

    Day Trips
    Three times a year, roughly spring, summer, and fall, we offer a day trips to events or places of interest.

    During Lent, the SAINTS meet weekly for a Food and Fellowship Time following the morning mid-week services.

  • St. Matthew’s offers several types of Mission Trip opportunities:

    Service – Service trips include annual summer Youth Mission trips to various locations in the United States and Adult Mission Trips to places such as Biloxi, MS; Minot, ND; Joplin, MO; New Orleans, LA; Moore, OK; and Houston, TX.

    Partnership – Partnership mission trips travel to connect with our partner ministries – yearly in January to El Salvador and every three years to Meru Diocese, Tanzania.

    Pilgrimage/Education – Regularly, St. Matthew’s leads international pilgrimage/education trips to places like Israel and Turkey to learn about places connected to our faith.

    All of these trips, while planned to serve others, develop partnership relations, or learn about places of faith, give blessings to the participants and create long-term friendships.

    Ask the pastors or Gretchen Haugse (St. Matt’s Youth Minister) for further information about these trips and look for the most recent information in The VOICE newsletter.